Interative Dance Performance and Installation with Sayaka Kaiwa, Ted Stoffer (Dance) and Hugo Paquete (Music) about disturbances on our lifes through disoveries in the fabric of space and time.
In 2016 researchers from the American observatory "Ligo" succeeded in observing the gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916. The piece COSMOS describes the human fascination about the stars the sky and the universe, of the amazement about its existence. It creates a poetry of infinity and tries to make the fragile tissue of time and space, matter and spirit tangible. Ancient myths and scientific explanations, physicality and movement, architecture and light merge poetically. With the interactive kinetic light stage of COSMOS Chris Ziegler creates a visual sign system in space, which artistically explores the stars and the human relationship to the sky.
Heaven is "the sunset, the course of the moon, the glow of the stars, the times of the year, light and twilight of day, dark and light of night, the favour and the inhospitable of weather, clouds and blue depth of ether". COSMOS quotes not only Heidegger, but also Italo Calvino's "A Sign in Space" and an interview with Nathanial Butler, a member of the research team that received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 for discovering gravitational waves - for new insights into the universe and hidden dimensions in the curvature of space and time.
Cosmos Performance at
ZKM Karlsruhe ENG
Vorstellung am
ZKM Karlsruhe D