Movement Robotics
University of Art and Design Linz Summer Workshop by Media Artist Chris Ziegler with Master Students from the Department Interface Cultures and Bruckner University / Dance Department Institute of Dance Arts of Anton Bruckner Private University supported and hosted by REDSAPATA Tanzfabrik.

The workshop takes place in an interactive robotic stage of around 30 motorized LEDs, researching the  relation of human physical motion in a relation to a mechanized environment. How can we make the user or audience experience more physical and participatory? The body of a dancer is connected to the environment and interacts both with the audience and the mechanical system through digital interfaces. How does moving in a robotic stage transforms the orientation and relation to the human body? What is the experience being Immersed in a digital and mechanical universe?

Participating Artists:
Linaá Pulido Barragán, Dogus Karlik, Aizhan Saganayeva, Behiye Erdemir, Maria Dirneder and Tomomi Watanabe (Dance)

On September 7 and 8, Redsapata Dance Factory we will present 3 interactive performances and installations developed during a 2-month summer workshop. Performances begin at 9pm.

Supported by by the National Performance Network - Stepping Out, support program dance with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for the Arts and Media within the program Neustart Kultur (Restart Culture)